Friday, November 8, 2013

Letting Go

I want this blog post to be honest.

Three weeks ago, I got the kick in the but I needed to start taking my walk with God seriously again. Before that point, I had been really struggling to get into the Word, to get on my knees in prayer, and put my trust in God. The more I began neglecting my relationship with God, the more my life began falling apart. Instead of trusting in Him for provision, guidance, and strength, I took it all upon myself and became completely overwhelmed with the weight of it all. My relationships with others became strained, my conscience became dulled, and my enthusiasm and passion for the church began fading. It was rough.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Hills of Headwaters

Up until recently, I never fully appreciated the beauty of the province of Ontario. Living here my entire life and not knowing much else, I guess it's just something I began to take for granted. Having had the opportunity to experience more of Canada this summer with our road trip out East, I now find myself becoming more aware of the beauties here at home.