Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Jumping on the Bandwagon

Over the past couple years, I've been witnessing a widespread "health food craze" emerge. When I use the term "health food" I'm referring to the general shift to all things organic, all-natural, and locally grown (...let's go ahead and lump dairy and gluten-free in there too).

I've always been one to shy away from this route - claiming it to be too difficult (and expensive) of a lifestyle for where I'm at right now. But, I have to admit, this past year I've definitely been intrigued. It only took a few hours of online research to convince me that this type of lifestyle holds serious value.

So I've decided to jump on the bandwagon. Not wholeheartedly, but slowly - one step at a time. I've gradually begun switching out certain foods in my diet for more natural choices. For example, instead of getting whichever bread is most on sale - we're going to opt for a bread that is 100% whole grain, with low sodium content, low sugar, and high levels of fiber.

We've also decided to eliminate butter and oil completely and replace it with coconut oil. I've used this replacement for a week now and I must say, I am totally loving it! We've used it in a pan when cooking chicken and veggies for a stirfry, we've used it for grilled cheese, in smoothies... I even put some in my morning coffee. I'm only scratching the surface with the many different uses for coconut oil -and it's not just good for food either. You can also use it for a variety of cosmetic purposes including (but not limited to) lip balm, moisturizer, and a deep conditioning hair treatment. I've yet to try any of these yet, but when I do, I will definitely blog about the experience!

In addition to switching our bread and oils, I've also eliminated pasta almost completely and opted instead for quinoa and rice (or spaghetti squash on those days I'm dying for a bowl of pasta). These small replacements will go a long way in eliminating all the junk I, usually unknowingly, put into my body each meal.

I've also been intrigued with the idea of making your own milk to replace cow's milk - Hemp Hearts, Almonds, and Coconuts can all be used to do this. I honestly have no idea how they differ in terms of consistency and taste, so I've decided to try and make all three! I have all the ingredients just sitting in my pantry right now and I'm good to go - probably something I will try over the weekend.

Well, that's about it! I'll blog every now and then about the progress I'm making in the health food department - it's definitely going to be a learning experience for me. I'm excited about it though. I've heard that a lot of these changes can help eliminate many stomach and digestive issues, so here's hoping!

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